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DLASRTRun Method

Purpose ======= Sort the numbers in D in increasing order (if ID = 'I') or in decreasing order (if ID = 'D' ). Use Quick Sort, reverting to Insertion sort on arrays of size .LE. 20. Dimension of STACK limits N to about 2**32.

Namespace: DotNumerics.LinearAlgebra.CSLapack
Assembly: DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics (in DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics.dll) Version: (
public void Run(
	string ID,
	int N,
	ref double[] D,
	int offset_d,
	ref int INFO
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ID  String
(input) CHARACTER*1 = 'I': sort D in increasing order; = 'D': sort D in decreasing order.
N  Int32
(input) INTEGER The length of the array D.
D  Double
(input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) On entry, the array to be sorted. On exit, D has been sorted into increasing order (D(1) .LE. ... .LE. D(N) ) or into decreasing order (D(1) .GE. ... .GE. D(N) ), depending on ID.
offset_d  Int32
INFO  Int32
(output) INTEGER = 0: successful exit .LT. 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
See Also