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DLASR.Run Method

Purpose ======= DLASR applies a sequence of plane rotations to a real matrix A, from either the left or the right. When SIDE = 'L', the transformation takes the form A := P*A and when SIDE = 'R', the transformation takes the form A := A*P**T where P is an orthogonal matrix consisting of a sequence of z plane rotations, with z = M when SIDE = 'L' and z = N when SIDE = 'R', and P**T is the transpose of P. When DIRECT = 'F' (Forward sequence), then P = P(z-1) * ... * P(2) * P(1) and when DIRECT = 'B' (Backward sequence), then P = P(1) * P(2) * ... * P(z-1) where P(k) is a plane rotation matrix defined by the 2-by-2 rotation R(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) = ( -s(k) c(k) ). When PIVOT = 'V' (Variable pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,k+1), i.e., P(k) has the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears as a rank-2 modification to the identity matrix in rows and columns k and k+1. When PIVOT = 'T' (Top pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (1,k+1), so P(k) has the form P(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns 1 and k+1. Similarly, when PIVOT = 'B' (Bottom pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,z), giving P(k) the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns k and z. The rotations are performed without ever forming P(k) explicitly.

Namespace: DotNumerics.LinearAlgebra.CSLapack
Assembly: DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics (in DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics.dll) Version: (
public void Run(
	string SIDE,
	string PIVOT,
	string DIRECT,
	int M,
	int N,
	double[] C,
	int offset_c,
	double[] S,
	int offset_s,
	ref double[] A,
	int offset_a,
	int LDA
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SIDE  String
(input) CHARACTER*1 Specifies whether the plane rotation matrix P is applied to A on the left or the right. = 'L': Left, compute A := P*A = 'R': Right, compute A:= A*P**T
PIVOT  String
(input) CHARACTER*1 Specifies the plane for which P(k) is a plane rotation matrix. = 'V': Variable pivot, the plane (k,k+1) = 'T': Top pivot, the plane (1,k+1) = 'B': Bottom pivot, the plane (k,z)
DIRECT  String
(input) CHARACTER*1 Specifies whether P is a forward or backward sequence of plane rotations. = 'F': Forward, P = P(z-1)*...*P(2)*P(1) = 'B': Backward, P = P(1)*P(2)*...*P(z-1)
M  Int32
(input) INTEGER The number of rows of the matrix A. If m .LE. 1, an immediate return is effected.
N  Int32
(input) INTEGER The number of columns of the matrix A. If n .LE. 1, an immediate return is effected.
C  Double[]
(input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M-1) if SIDE = 'L' (N-1) if SIDE = 'R' The cosines c(k) of the plane rotations.
offset_c  Int32
S  Double[]
(input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M-1) if SIDE = 'L' (N-1) if SIDE = 'R' The sines s(k) of the plane rotations. The 2-by-2 plane rotation part of the matrix P(k), R(k), has the form R(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) ( -s(k) c(k) ).
offset_s  Int32
A  Double[]
:= P*A
offset_a  Int32
LDA  Int32
(input) INTEGER The leading dimension of the array A. LDA .GE. max(1,M).
See Also