The FlowsheetBase type exposes the following members.
Methods | Name | Description |
| AddCompound | |
| AddCompoundsToMaterialStream | |
| AddConnectedObjects | |
| AddDefaultProperties | |
| AddExternalUOs | |
| AddFlowsheetObject | |
| AddGraphicObject | |
| AddGraphicObjects | |
| AddObject(ObjectType, Int32, Int32, String) | |
| AddObject(ObjectType, Int32, Int32, String, String) | |
| AddObject(String, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean) | |
| AddObjectToSurface | |
| AddPropertyPackage | |
| AddPropPacks | |
| AddReaction | |
| AddReactionSet | |
| AddReactionToSet | |
| AddSimulationObject | |
| AddSimulationObjects | |
| AddSystemsOfUnits | |
| AddTables | |
| AddUndoRedoAction | |
| AutoLayout | |
| CalcReactionStoichiometry | |
| ChangeCalculationOrder | |
| CheckStatus | |
| CheckTag | |
| ClearLog | |
| Clone | |
| CloseOpenEditForms | |
| ConnectObject | |
| ConnectObjects | |
| CreateAndAddPropertyPackage | |
| CreateConversionReaction | |
| CreateEquilibriumReaction | |
| CreateHetCatReaction | |
| CreateKineticReaction | |
| CreatePropertyPackage | |
| CreateReactionSet | |
| DeleteObject | |
| DeleteSelectedObject | |
| DisconnectObjects | |
| DisplayBrowserWindow | |
| DisplayDockableBrowserWindow | |
| DisplayForm | |
| GetApplicationObject | |
| GetAvailableFlowsheetObjectTypeNames | |
| GetAvailablePropertyPackages | |
| GetCompound | |
| GetDockPanel | |
| GetFlowsheetBag | |
| GetFlowsheetGraphicObject | |
| GetFlowsheetSimulationObject | |
| GetFlowsheetSurfaceHeight | |
| GetFlowsheetSurfaceWidth | |
| GetNewInstance | |
| GetObject | |
| GetProcessData | |
| GetPropertyPackage | |
| GetPropertyPackages | |
| GetReaction | |
| GetReactionSet | |
| GetResultIDs | |
| GetResultUnits | |
| GetResultValue | |
| GetScriptText | |
| GetSelectedFlowsheetSimulationObject | |
| GetSimulationFileDirectory | |
| GetSimulationFilePath | |
| GetSnapshot | |
| GetSnapshotObjectID | |
| GetSpreadsheetData | |
| GetSpreadsheetFormat | |
| GetSpreadsheetObject | |
| GetSurface | |
| GetSurfaceControl | |
| GetTranslatedString(String) | |
| GetTranslatedString(String, String) | |
| GetUtility | |
| Initialize | |
| IsZipFilePasswordProtected | |
| LoadFromExtensionsFolder | |
| LoadFromMXML | |
| LoadFromXML | |
| LoadProcessData | |
| LoadZippedXML | |
| LoadZippedXMLDoc | |
| NaturalLayout | |
| ProcessRedo | |
| ProcessScripts | |
| ProcessUndo | |
| RefreshInterface | |
| RegisterSnapshot | |
| RequestCalculation | |
| RequestCalculation2 | |
| RequestCalculation3 | |
| RequestSave | |
| RequestSaveWithDirectory | |
| RequestSaveWithPath | |
| Reset | |
| ResetCalculationStatus | |
| RestoreSnapshot | |
| RunCodeOnUIThread | |
| RunCodeOnUIThread2 | |
| RunScript | |
| RunScript_IronPython | |
| RunScript_PythonNET | |
| RunScriptAsync | |
| SaveToMXML | |
| SaveToXML | |
| SetDirtyStatus | |
| SetMessageListener | |
| SetTranslateTextExternalFunction | |
| ShowDebugInfo | |
| ShowMessage | |
| Solve | |
| ToggleFlowsheetAnimation | |
| UpdateInformation | |
| UpdateInterface | |
| UpdateOpenEditForms | |
| UpdateSpreadsheet | |
| WriteSpreadsheetVariables | |
TopExtension Methods Explicit Interface Implementations See Also