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DLAZQ4 Methods

The DLAZQ4 type exposes the following members.

Public methodRun Purpose ======= DLAZQ4 computes an approximation TAU to the smallest eigenvalue using values of d from the previous transform. I0 (input) INTEGER First index. N0 (input) INTEGER Last index. Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) Z holds the qd array. PP (input) INTEGER PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. N0IN (input) INTEGER The value of N0 at start of EIGTEST. DMIN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION Minimum value of d. DMIN1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ). DMIN2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ) and D( N0-1 ). DN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION d(N) DN1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION d(N-1) DN2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION d(N-2) TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION This is the shift. TTYPE (output) INTEGER Shift type. G (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION G is passed as an argument in order to save its value between calls to DLAZQ4
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumNames
(Defined by General)
Public Extension MethodIsValidDouble
(Defined by General)
See Also