| Name | Description |
| ActivityCoefficientModels_IgnoreMissingInteractionParameters | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| AreModelParametersDirty | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| AutoEstimateMissingNRTLUNIQUACParameters | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| CalculateAdditionalMaterialStreamProperties | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| code | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ComponentDescription |
Gets the name of the component.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ComponentName |
Gets the description of the component.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| CurrentMaterialStream |
Gets or sets the current material stream for this property package.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| description | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| DisplayDescription | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| DisplayName | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| EnthalpyEntropyCpCvCalculationMode | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ExceptionLog | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| FlashAlgorithm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| FlashBase | (Overrides PropertyPackage.FlashBase) |
| FlashCalculationApproach | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| FlashSettings | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| Flowsheet | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| FluidName | |
| ForcedSolids | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ForceNewFlashAlgorithmInstance | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| HasReactivePhase | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| IgnoreSalinityLimit | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| IgnoreVaporFractionLimit | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ImplementsAnalyticalDerivatives | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| interfaceName | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| IsAmineModel | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| IsConfigurable | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| IsFunctional | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidDensity_CorrectExpDataForPressure | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidDensity_UsePenelouxVolumeTranslation | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidDensityCalculationMode_Subcritical | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidDensityCalculationMode_Supercritical | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidEnthalpyEntropyCpCvCalculationMode_EOS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidFugacity_UsePoyntingCorrectionFactor | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidViscosity_CorrectExpDataForPressure | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidViscosity_MixingRule | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidViscosityCalculationMode_Subcritical | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| LiquidViscosityCalculationMode_Supercritical | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| MobileCompatible | (Overrides PropertyPackage.MobileCompatible) |
| moreInfo | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| Name | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| operation | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| OverrideEnthalpyCalculation | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| OverrideEntropyCalculation | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| OverrideKvalFugCoeff | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| PackageType | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| parameters1 |
Returns an ICapeCollection interface.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ParametersXMLString |
' For mobile compatibility only.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| PhaseMappings | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| Popular | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| PropertyMethodsInfo | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| PropertyOverrides | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| scope | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ShouldUseKvalueMethod2 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| ShouldUseKvalueMethod3 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| simulationContext |
Allows the PME to convey the PMC a reference to the former’s simulation context.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| SingleCompoundCheckThreshold | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| SolidPhaseEnthalpy_UsesCp | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| SolidPhaseFugacity_UseIdealLiquidPhaseFugacity | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| SolidPhaseFugacityCalculationMethod | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| SupportedComponents | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| Tag | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| UniqueID | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| UseHenryConstants | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
| VaporPhaseFugacityCalculationMode | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |