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English Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DWSIM.SharedClasses.SystemsOfUnits
Assembly: DWSIM.SharedClasses (in DWSIM.SharedClasses.dll) Version:
public class English : Units
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The English type exposes the following members.

Public methodEnglish 
Public propertyaccel
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyactivity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyactivityCoefficient
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyarea
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertycakeresistance
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertycinematic_viscosity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertycompressibility
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertycompressibilityfactor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyconductance
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydeltaP
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydeltaT
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydensity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydiameter
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydiffusivity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertydistance
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyemission_factor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyenthalpy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyentropy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyexcessEnthalpy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyexcessEntropy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyforce
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyfoulingfactor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyfugacity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyfugacityCoefficient
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertygor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyhead
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyheat
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyheat_transf_coeff
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyheatCapacityCp
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyheatCapacityCv
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyheatflow
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyidealGasHeatCapacity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyjouleThomsonCoefficient
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertykvalue
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertylogfugacityCoefficient
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertylogKvalue
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymass
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymass_conc
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymassflow
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymassfraction
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymediumresistance
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolar_conc
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolar_enthalpy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolar_entropy
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolar_volume
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolarflow
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolarfraction
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymole
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertymolecularWeight
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyName
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertypdp_boilingPointTemperature
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertypdp_meltingTemperature
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertypressure
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyreac_rate
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyreac_rate_heterog
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyspec_vol
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyspecific_power
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyspeedOfSound
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertysurfaceTension
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertytemperature
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertythermalConductivity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertythermalConductivityOfLiquid
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertythermalConductivityOfVapor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertythickness
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertytime
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyvaporPressure
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyvelocity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyviscosity
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyviscosityOfLiquid
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyviscosityOfVapor
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyvolume
(Inherited from Units)
Public propertyvolumetricFlow
(Inherited from Units)
Public methodGetCurrentUnits
(Inherited from Units)
Public methodGetUnitSet
(Inherited from Units)
Public methodGetUnitType
(Inherited from Units)
Public methodLoadData
(Inherited from Units)
Public methodSaveData
(Inherited from Units)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumNames
(Defined by General)
Public Extension MethodIsValidDouble
(Defined by General)
See Also