| Name | Description |
 | CalcEquilibrium |
Calculates Phase Equilibria for a given mixture at specified conditions.
 | CalcProp(PropertyPackage, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates properties using the selected Property Package.
 | CalcProp(String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates properties using the selected Property Package.
 | CalcTwoPhaseProp(PropertyPackage, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates two phase properties (K-values, Ln(K-values) or Surface Tension) using the selected Property Package.
 | CalcTwoPhaseProp(String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates two phase properties (K-values, Ln(K-values) or Surface Tension) using the selected Property Package.
 | CreateMaterialStream |
Setups a Material Stream with the specified compounds.
 | DisableParallelProcessing |
Disables CPU parallel processing.
 | DisableSIMDExtensions |
Deactivates CPU-accelerated SIMD vector operations.
 | EnableParallelProcessing |
Enables CPU parallel processing for some tasks.
 | EnableSIMDExtensions |
Activates CPU-accelerated SIMD vector operations.
 | GetCompoundConstProp |
Returns a single constant property value for a compound.
 | GetCompoundConstPropList |
Returns a list of the available single compound constant properties.
 | GetCompoundList |
Returns a list of the available compounds.
 | GetCompoundPDepProp |
Returns a single pressure-dependent property value for a compound.
 | GetCompoundPDepPropList |
Returns a list of the available single compound pressure-dependent properties.
 | GetCompoundTDepProp |
Returns a single temperature-dependent property value for a compound.
 | GetCompoundTDepPropList |
Returns a list of the available single compound temperature-dependent properties.
 | GetInteractionParameterSet |
"Returns the interaction parameters stored in DWSIM's database for a given binary/model combination.
 | GetModelList |
Returns a list of the thermodynamic models.
 | GetPhaseList |
Returns a list of the available phases.
 | GetPropList |
Returns a list of the available single-phase properties.
 | GetPropPackInstance |
Returns a Property Package instance that can be reused on multiple function calls.
 | GetPropPackList |
Returns a list of the available Property Packages.
 | GetTwoPhasePropList |
Returns a list of the available two-phase properties.
 | Initialize |
Initializes the calculator and loads the compound databases into memory.
 | Initialize(String) |
Initializes the calculator and loads the compound databases into memory, including the specified user databases.
 | Link |
Links/Associates a Material Stream with a Property Package and vice-versa.
 | LoadBDDB | |
 | LoadCheDLDB | |
 | LoadCPDB | |
 | LoadCSDB | |
 | LoadDWSIMDB | |
 | LoadEDB | |
 | LoadUserDB | |
 | PHFlash(PropertyPackage, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PH Flash using the referenced Property Package.
 | PHFlash(String, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PH Flash using the selected Property Package.
 | PSFlash(PropertyPackage, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PS Flash using the referenced Property Package.
 | PSFlash(String, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PH Flash using the selected Property Package.
 | PTFlash(PropertyPackage, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates a PT Flash using the referenced Property Package.
 | PTFlash(String, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object) |
Calculates a PT Flash using the selected Property Package.
 | PVFFlash(PropertyPackage, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PVF Flash using the referenced Property Package.
 | PVFFlash(String, Int32, Double, Double, Object, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a PVF Flash using the selected Property Package.
 | SetDebugLevel |
Sets the debug level, which controls the amount of information which is written to the screen.
 | SetupPropertyPackage |
Setups a Material Stream with the specified compounds and associated it with the property package.
 | TransferCompounds | |
 | TVFFlash(PropertyPackage, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a TVF Flash using the referenced Property Package.
 | TVFFlash(String, Int32, Double, Double, String, Double, Object, Object, Object, Object, Double) |
Calculates a TVF Flash using the selected Property Package.