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PropertyMethods Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PetroleumCharacterization.Methods
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public class PropertyMethods
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The PropertyMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodPropertyMethods 
Public methodStatic memberAcentricFactor_Korsten Acentric Factor by Korsten's correlation (2000).
Public methodStatic memberAcentricFactor_LeeKesler Acentric Factor by the Lee-Kesler method (1976).
Private methodStatic memberCalcLogZ 
Public methodStatic memberd15_Riazi Specific gravity at 15,6 °C by Riazi and Al-Sahhaf's method (1996)
Public methodStatic memberd15_v37v98 Specific gravity at 15,6 °C from viscosity data.
Public methodStatic memberd15d20 Density conversion function.
Public methodStatic memberd20d15 Density conversion function.
Public methodStatic memberMW_Farah(Double, Double) API-A/B method by Farah (2006) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberMW_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) API-A/B method by Farah (2006) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberMW_LeeKesler Lee-Kesler correlation (1974) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberMW_Riazi(Double, Double) Riazi's correlation (1986) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberMW_Riazi(Double, Double, Double) Riazi's correlation (1986) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberMW_Winn Winn's correlation (1957) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberPc_Farah(Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
Public methodStatic memberPc_Farah(Double, Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
Public methodStatic memberPc_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
Public methodStatic memberPc_LeeKesler Calculates Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction with Lee-Kesler's method (1976).
Public methodStatic memberPc_Riazi Calculates Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction with Riazi method (2005).
Public methodStatic memberPc_RiaziDaubert Calculates Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction with Riazi-Daubert method (1985).
Public methodStatic memberTc_Farah(Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006)
Public methodStatic memberTc_Farah(Double, Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
Public methodStatic memberTc_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
Public methodStatic memberTc_LeeKesler Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Lee-Kesler method (1976).
Public methodStatic memberTc_Riazi Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Riazi's method (2005).
Public methodStatic memberTc_RiaziDaubert Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Riazi-Daubert method (1985).
Public methodStatic memberVisc37_Abbott 'Abbott's method (1971) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberVisc98_Abbott 'Abbott's method (1971) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberViscT_Beg_Amin 'Beg and Amin's method (1989) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberViscTwu Twu's method for calculation of viscosity at any temperature from two known values.
Public methodStatic memberViscWaltherASTM_A Calculates the A-parameter of the Walther-ASTM equation for viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Public methodStatic memberViscWaltherASTM_B Calculates the B-parameter of the Walther-ASTM equation for viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumNames
(Defined by General)
Public Extension MethodIsValidDouble
(Defined by General)
See Also