Inheritance HierarchySystemObject
Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.Utilities.PetroleumCharacterization.MethodsAssembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
SyntaxThe PropertyMethods type exposes the following members.
Methods | Name | Description |
  | AcentricFactor_Korsten |
Acentric Factor by Korsten's correlation (2000).
  | AcentricFactor_LeeKesler |
Acentric Factor by the Lee-Kesler method (1976).
  | CalcLogZ | |
  | d15_Riazi |
Specific gravity at 15,6 °C by Riazi and Al-Sahhaf's method (1996)
  | d15_v37v98 |
Specific gravity at 15,6 °C from viscosity data.
  | d15d20 |
Density conversion function.
  | d20d15 |
Density conversion function.
  | MW_Farah(Double, Double) |
API-A/B method by Farah (2006) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | MW_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
API-A/B method by Farah (2006) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | MW_LeeKesler |
Lee-Kesler correlation (1974) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | MW_Riazi(Double, Double) |
Riazi's correlation (1986) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | MW_Riazi(Double, Double, Double) |
Riazi's correlation (1986) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | MW_Winn |
Winn's correlation (1957) for calculation of the molecular weight of petroleum fractions.
  | Pc_Farah(Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
  | Pc_Farah(Double, Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
  | Pc_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
  | Pc_LeeKesler |
Calculates Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction with Lee-Kesler's method (1976).
  | Pc_RiaziDaubert |
Calculates Critical Pressure of a petroleum fraction with Riazi-Daubert method (1985).
  | Tc_Farah(Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006)
  | Tc_Farah(Double, Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
  | Tc_Farah(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction by the API-A/B method of Farah (2006).
  | Tc_LeeKesler |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Lee-Kesler method (1976).
  | Tc_Riazi |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Riazi's method (2005).
  | Tc_RiaziDaubert |
Calculates the Critical Temperature of a petroleum fraction with Riazi-Daubert method (1985).
  | Visc37_Abbott |
'Abbott's method (1971) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
  | Visc98_Abbott |
'Abbott's method (1971) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
  | ViscT_Beg_Amin |
'Beg and Amin's method (1989) for calculation of viscosity of petroleum fractions.
  | ViscTwu |
Twu's method for calculation of viscosity at any temperature from two known values.
  | ViscWaltherASTM_A |
Calculates the A-parameter of the Walther-ASTM equation for viscosity of petroleum fractions.
  | ViscWaltherASTM_B |
Calculates the B-parameter of the Walther-ASTM equation for viscosity of petroleum fractions.
Extension Methods
See Also