-- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.1) --
Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
November 2006
DLAEV2 computes the eigendecomposition of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix
[ A B ]
[ B C ].
On return, RT1 is the eigenvalue of larger absolute value, RT2 is the
eigenvalue of smaller absolute value, and (CS1,SN1) is the unit right
eigenvector for RT1, giving the decomposition
[ CS1 SN1 ] [ A B ] [ CS1 -SN1 ] = [ RT1 0 ]
[-SN1 CS1 ] [ B C ] [ SN1 CS1 ] [ 0 RT2 ].
Inheritance Hierarchy Namespace: DotNumerics.LinearAlgebra.CSLapackAssembly: DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics (in DWSIM.MathOps.DotNumerics.dll) Version: (
SyntaxThe DLAEV2 type exposes the following members.
Methods | Name | Description |
 | Run |
DLAEV2 computes the eigendecomposition of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix
[ A B ]
[ B C ].
On return, RT1 is the eigenvalue of larger absolute value, RT2 is the
eigenvalue of smaller absolute value, and (CS1,SN1) is the unit right
eigenvector for RT1, giving the decomposition
[ CS1 SN1 ] [ A B ] [ CS1 -SN1 ] = [ RT1 0 ]
[-SN1 CS1 ] [ B C ] [ SN1 CS1 ] [ 0 RT2 ].
Extension Methods
See Also