DWSIM was born in 2004 from Excel VBA macros which implemented the PR EOS and a basic Flash Algorithm. Later that year, Daniel Wagner Oliveira de Medeiros (the developer) used a working sample for a drawing surface to create the Process Flowsheet Drawing Designer. A few years and many code lines later, DWSIM was then ready to launch! Today, DWSIM runs on the most popular platforms and is used by hundreds of students, teachers and independent consultants from all over the world.

DWSIM has been used and cited by a number of scientific research papers and articles, proving its capabilities and reliability of its calculation methods and models.
In mid-2013, CO-LaN Management Board has awarded the CAPE-OPEN 2012 Award to Daniel Wagner for the first implementation of CAPE-OPEN interfaces in a process modelling environment distributed as open source (DWSIM).
Many thanks to the people at CO-LaN, and a special thank you for Mr. Michel Pons (CO-LaN CTO), Jasper van Baten (developer of COCO simulator), Harry Kooijman (developer of ChemSep) and César Pernalete, who received the plaque in my behalf. I couldn’t have done all that work without your help.
The CAPE-OPEN Award is presented every year since the creation of CO-LaN to persons or organizations who have significantly contributed to the advancement of CAPE-OPEN.