Why DWSIM Pro?

DWSIM Pro is the result of a cooperation between Daniel Wagner Oliveira de Medeiros, the creator and developer of DWSIM, and CGC Capital-Gain Consultants GmbH, an established software development company active for over a decade in the field of process simulation. 

DWSIM Pro is the commercial sibling of DWSIM with extended features and private support. It is built on top of DWSIM and hosted on simulate365.com, a SaaS platform operating cloud-based software applications and services.

DWSIM Pro features are added to DWSIM through the new Extensions Interface, an evolution of the Plugins and External Unit Ops/Property Packages interfaces that have been part of DWSIM for many years.

Learn more about the Architecture and the New Interfaces of DWSIM  here.

What does the change mean for the DWSIM open-source software?

DWSIM is free and open-source, and its development will continue independently of DWSIM Pro.

Should You Use DWSIM or DWSIM Pro?

Both versions address different needs. See below what’s the difference.

DWSIM (Open-Source)


  • Installation
  • Accessible on a local machine
  • Required manual updates
  • GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3)
  • Forum support (public)
  • Doesn’t require registration
  • Simulate 365 Dashboard


Different Paid Plans 

View full comparison table 

Get your FREE DWSIM Pro trial!

What features are you interested in that the Simulate 365 team could think of developing? 

Discover Simulate 365 Dashboard 

Dashboard It is a simulation file management system and a platform hosting a number of advanced engineering tools. 

DWSIM open-source and DWSIM Pro users benefit form FREE Simulate 365 Dashboard for simulation file management.

  • You access simulation files stored on Dashboard from anywhere, anytime and on any device.

    You can open and view your simulation file without opening the program.
  • You share simulation files with others on Dashboard.

    You don’t need to store your files on USB or in your mailbox when you’re on the go for your next project meeting.
  • You have greater transparency over your files with built-in version control.

    You keep track of every simulation file and every version of it from day one.
    When sharing with others, you know who and when made the last changes too.
  • You navigate through simulation files easier thanks to the flowsheet preview function.

    You get a visual representation of your flowsheet on Dashboard.
    You know your key flowsheet parameters without opening the file.
  • You organize your flowsheets in a meaningful way with handy tags.

    Your can add comments or define your unique project status tags.
    You make sure that priorities are set right and the project is on track when working with others.

Dashboard integrates with your process simulator

It is the centerpiece application for your simulation files while you navigate between simulators. 


Access, open and save simulation files stored on Dashboard directly in the program.

Create an account on  simulate365.com and open Dashboard. Upload files to Dashboard from your local machine. 

Open DWSIM or DWSIM Pro, log in to Simulate 365 account with your Simulate 365 username and password. 

Simulate 365 Dashboard application will show under the File tab. 

You are ready to load and save flowsheets between DWSIM/DWSIM Pro and Dashboard. 

Work with flowsheets, smarter.