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IExternalODESolverSolve Method

Computes the solution of the ordinary differential equations.

Namespace: DWSIM.Interfaces
Assembly: DWSIM.Interfaces (in DWSIM.Interfaces.dll) Version:
void Solve(
	double[] y0,
	double x0,
	double deltax,
	double xf,
	Action<double, double[]> odesolution,
	double tolerance
Request Example


y0  Double
A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.
x0  Double
The initial independent variable value.
deltax  Double
The step for the interval of integration (x0, x0+deltax, x0+2*deltax,...,xf).
xf  Double
The final independent variable value.
odesolution  ActionDouble, Double
A delegate where to return the solution.
tolerance  Double
Tolerance for solution.
See Also