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ExcelIntegrationCalcProp Method

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ExcelAddIn
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
[ExcelFunctionAttribute(Description = "Calculates properties using the selected Property Package.", 
	HelpTopic = "ExcelAddInHelp.chm!11")]
public static Object[,] CalcProp(
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The name of the Property Package to use.")] string proppack,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The property to calculate.")] string prop,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The returning basis of the properties: Mole, Mass or UNDEFINED.")] string basis,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The name of the phase to calculate properties from.")] string phaselabel,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The list of compounds to include.")] Object[] compounds,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Temperature in K.")] double temperature,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Pressure in Pa.")] double pressure,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("*Normalized* mole fractions of the compounds in the mixture.")] double[] molefractions,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #1.")] Object ip1,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #2.")] Object ip2,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #3.")] Object ip3,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #4.")] Object ip4,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #5.")] Object ip5,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #6.")] Object ip6,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #7.")] Object ip7,
	[ExcelArgumentAttribute("Interaction Parameters Set #8.")] Object ip8
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proppack  String
prop  String
basis  String
phaselabel  String
compounds  Object
temperature  Double
pressure  Double
molefractions  Double
ip1  Object
ip2  Object
ip3  Object
ip4  Object
ip5  Object
ip6  Object
ip7  Object
ip8  Object

Return Value

See Also