ExcelIntegrationGetBasePropertyPackageData Method |
Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ExcelAddInAssembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
Syntax[ExcelFunctionAttribute(Description = "Returns base Property Package data, which can be modified and used as an input for other functions.")]
public static Object GetBasePropertyPackageData(
[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The name of the Property Package to use.")] string proppack,
[ExcelArgumentAttribute("The list of compounds to include.")] Object[] compounds
<ExcelFunctionAttribute(Description := "Returns base Property Package data, which can be modified and used as an input for other functions.")>
Public Shared Function GetBasePropertyPackageData (
<ExcelArgumentAttribute("The name of the Property Package to use.")> proppack As String,
<ExcelArgumentAttribute("The list of compounds to include.")> compounds As Object()
) As Object
Request Example
View SourceParameters
- proppack String
- compounds Object
Return Value
See Also