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FlashAlgorithmCalcPIP Method

This algorithm returns the Phase Identification (PI) parameter for a fluid given its composition and system conditions.

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages.Auxiliary.FlashAlgorithms
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
private static double[] CalcPIP(
	double[] Vx,
	double P,
	double T,
	PropertyPackage pp,
	string eos
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Vx  Double
Vector of mole fractions
P  Double
Pressure in Pa
T  Double
Temperature in K
pp  PropertyPackage
Property Package instance
eos  String
Equation of State: 'PR' or 'SRK'.

Return Value

A string indicating the phase: 'V' or 'L'.
This algorithm is based on the method present in the following paper: G. Venkatarathnam, L.R. Oellrich, Identification of the phase of a fluid using partial derivatives of pressure, volume, and temperature without reference to saturation properties: Applications in phase equilibria calculations, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 301, Issue 2, 25 February 2011, Pages 225-233, ISSN 0378-3812, ( Keywords: Phase identification; Multiphase equilibria; Process simulators
See Also