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BostonFournierInsideOut3P Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages.Auxiliary.FlashAlgorithms
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public class BostonFournierInsideOut3P : FlashAlgorithm
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The BostonFournierInsideOut3P type exposes the following members.

Public methodBostonFournierInsideOut3P 
Public methodBubblePressure_LLE
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodBubbleTemperature_LLE
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodCalcKbj1 
Private methodCalcKbjw 
Public methodCalculateEquilibrium Calculates Phase Equilibria for a given mixture at specified conditions.
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodCalculateMixtureEnthalpy
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodCalculateMixtureEntropy
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodClone
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodEnergyBalance 
Private methodEnergyBalanceAbs 
Private methodEnergyBalanceSPL 
Private methodEnergyBalanceSPV 
Private methodEntropyBalance 
Private methodEntropyBalanceAbs 
Private methodEntropyBalanceSPL 
Private methodEntropyBalanceSPV 
Public methodFlash_PH
(Overrides FlashAlgorithmFlash_PH(Double, Double, Double, Double, PropertyPackage, Boolean, Double))
Public methodFlash_PH_3P 
Public methodFlash_PS
(Overrides FlashAlgorithmFlash_PS(Double, Double, Double, Double, PropertyPackage, Boolean, Double))
Public methodFlash_PS_3P 
Public methodFlash_PSF
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodFlash_PT
(Overrides FlashAlgorithmFlash_PT(Double, Double, Double, PropertyPackage, Boolean, Double))
Public methodFlash_PT_3P 
Public methodFlash_PV
(Overrides FlashAlgorithmFlash_PV(Double, Double, Double, Double, PropertyPackage, Boolean, Double))
Public methodFlash_PV_3P 
Public methodFlash_TV
(Overrides FlashAlgorithmFlash_TV(Double, Double, Double, Double, PropertyPackage, Boolean, Double))
Public methodFlash_TV_3P 
Public methodFlash_VH
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodFlash_VP
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodFlash_VS
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodFlash_VT Volume-Temperature Flash
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodFlash_VU
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodGetNewInstance
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodGetPhaseSplitEstimates
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodLiquidFractionBalance 
Private methodLiquidFractionBalanceP 
Public methodLoadData
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodMinimizeError 
Public methodPerformHeuristicsTest
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodSaveData
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodSErrorFunc 
Private methodSErrorFuncAbs 
Public methodStabTest
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodStabTest2
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private methodTPErrorFunc 
Public methodWriteDebugInfo
(Inherited from FlashAlgorithm)
Private fieldA 
Private fieldAc 
Private fieldB 
Private fieldBc 
Private fieldbeta 
Private fieldC 
Private fieldCc 
Private fieldcurrx 
Private fieldD 
Private fieldDc 
Private fieldDHl 
Private fieldDHl1 
Private fieldDHl2 
Private fieldDHlsp 
Private fieldDHv 
Private fieldDHv1 
Private fieldDHv2 
Private fieldDHvsp 
Private fieldDSl 
Private fieldDSl1 
Private fieldDSl2 
Private fieldDSlsp 
Private fieldDSv 
Private fieldDSv1 
Private fieldDSv2 
Private fieldDSvsp 
Private fieldE 
Private fieldEc 
Private fieldecount 
Private fieldetol 
Private fieldF 
Private fieldFc 
Private fieldfi 
Private fieldHf 
Private fieldHlid 
Private fieldHv0 
Private fieldHvid 
Private fielditol 
Private fieldKb 
Private fieldKb_ 
Private fieldKb0 
Private fieldKi1 
Private fieldKi2 
Private fieldL 
Private fieldL1 
Private fieldL2 
Private fieldLf 
Private fieldmaxit_e 
Private fieldmaxit_i 
Private fieldn 
Private fieldP 
Private fieldP_ 
Private fieldP0 
Private fieldPant 
Private fieldPb 
Private fieldPd 
Private fieldPf 
Private fieldpi 
Private fieldPmax 
Private fieldPmin 
Private fieldproppack 
Private fieldPx 
Private fieldR 
Private fieldRant 
Private fieldrefx 
Private fieldRt 
Private fieldS 
Private fieldSant 
Private fieldSf 
Private fieldSlid 
Private fieldsoma_x1 
Private fieldsoma_x2 
Private fieldsoma_y 
Private fieldSv0 
Private fieldSvid 
Private fieldT 
Private fieldT_ 
Private fieldT0 
Private fieldTant 
Private fieldTf 
Private fieldTmax 
Private fieldTmin 
Private fieldtmpdx 
Private fieldui1 
Private fieldui2 
Private fielduic1 
Private fielduic2 
Private fieldV 
Private fieldVf 
Private fieldVn 
Private fieldVp 
Private fieldVpc 
Private fieldVt 
Private fieldVTc 
Private fieldVw 
Private fieldVx1 
Private fieldVx2 
Private fieldVy 
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumNames
(Defined by General)
Public Extension MethodIsValidDouble
(Defined by General)
See Also