Download DWSIM for Desktop

Select a package according to your operating system version and platform:

The commercial sibling of DWSIM with dedicated private support, extended features and access to advanced engineering applications. 

Latest Release: v9.0.1 (Mar 05, 2025)

Support DWSIM open-source development

Support the project with a single, one-time donation or with a monthly subscription

One-Time Donation
4.99 USD/month

This gets your name on DWSIM’s Splash Screen.

9.99 USD/month

This gets your name on DWSIM’s Splash Screen and access to private WhatsApp and Discord groups.

29.99 USD/month

This gets you extra DWSIM components (Property Packages, Unit Ops and Plugins), your name on DWSIM’s Splash Screen, access to private WhatsApp and Discord groups and other goodies.


Installer Package
(313 MB)

Portable Package
(353 MB)

Requires Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 or newer 


Disk Image File
(197 MB)


64-bit Debian Installer Package
(231 MB)  

Portable Package
(205 MB)

Requires .NET 8 and IPOPT 

GeoTracker Pro

Record your position, speed, altitude and many more while you’re on the move. Analyze and export the recorded data with this easy-to-use app. 


Plot Digitizer

Get data from 2D XY Plots directly on your phone. Copy data to clipboard, share it, view a digital plot or fitted equations from the digitized data.


Warning / Disclaimer

The data and information within DWSIM have been obtained from a wide variety of literature sources. While reasonable care has been exercised in the collection of data and testing of this software, the author and contributors of the DWSIM Project disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of the data or calculations contained therein.

The results of calculations obtained from DWSIM yield approximate results, which will not always be suitable for every application. The software is designed for use by trained professional personnel and is not a substitute for sound professional judgment. It is the sole responsibility of the user to validate the data presented by DWSIM and to determine whether the results of this program are accurate and suitable for any specific purpose. No guarantee of accuracy or fitness for any purpose is expressed or implied.

The author and contributors strongly recommend that the data be checked against other sources and/or methods before use and application. DWSIM’s author and its contributors shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages incurred through the use of the data or calculations.

Download Additional Components

OPC Unified Architecture (UA) Client Plugin

The OPC UA Client Plugin for DWSIM enables mapping of monitored variables in an OPC Unified Architecture (UA) Server to Properties of DWSIM Flowsheet Objects (Unit Operations, Energy and Material Streams).

Pipe Network Unit Operation

Pipe networks are structures built to transport fluids between several supply and demand points. Transmission and distribution of natural gas are examples of services provided by pipeline networks.

In fluid dynamics, pipe network analysis is the analysis of the fluid flow through a hydraulics network, containing several or many interconnected branches. The aim is to determine the flow rates and pressure drops in the individual sections of the network. This is a common problem in hydraulic design.

Neural Network Unit Operation

The Neural Network Unit Operation can use field/lab data to train and evaluate a Multi-Output Regression Artificial Neural Network to be used as a Unit Operation in your process model.