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PropertyPackageCalcEquilibrium Method

Method responsible for calculating/delegating phase equilibria.

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public virtual void CalcEquilibrium(
	Object materialObject,
	string flashType,
	Object props
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materialObject  Object
The Material Object
flashType  String
Flash calculation type.
props  Object
Properties to be calculated at equilibrium. UNDEFINED for no properties. If a list, then the property values should be set for each phase present at equilibrium. (not including the overall phase).


ICapeThermoPropertyPackage.CalcEquilibrium(Object, String, Object)

On the Material Object the CalcEquilibrium method must set the amounts (phaseFraction) and compositions (fraction) for all phases present at equilibrium, as well as the temperature and pressure for the overall mixture, if these are not set as part of the calculation specifications. The CalcEquilibrium method must not set on the Material Object any other value - in particular it must not set any values for phases that do not exist. See 5.2.1 for more information.

The available list of flashes is given in section 5.6.1.

When calling this method, it is advised not to combine a flash calculation with a property calculation. Through the returned error one cannot see which has failed, plus the additional arguments available in a CalcProp call (such as calculation type) cannot be specified in a CalcEquilibrium call. Advice is to perform a CalcEquilibrium, get the phaseIDs and perform a CalcProp for the existing phases.

See Also