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PropertyPackageGetPhaseList1 Method

Returns Phase labels and other important descriptive information for all the Phases supported.

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public virtual void GetPhaseList1(
	ref Object phaseLabels,
	ref Object stateOfAggregation,
	ref Object keyCompoundId
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phaseLabels  Object
he list of Phase labels for the Phases supported. A Phase label can be any string but each Phase must have a unique label. If, for some reason, no Phases are supported an UNDEFINED value should be returned for the phaseLabels. The number of Phase labels must also be equal to the number of Phases returned by the GetNumPhases method.
stateOfAggregation  Object
The physical State of Aggregation associated with each of the Phases. This must be one of the following strings: ”Vapor”, “Liquid”, “Solid” or “Unknown”. Each Phase must have a single State of Aggregation. The value must not be left undefined, but may be set to “Unknown”.
keyCompoundId  Object
The key Compound for the Phase. This must be the Compound identifier (as returned by GetCompoundList), or it may be undefined in which case a UNDEFINED value is returned. The key Compound is an indication of the Compound that is expected to be present in high concentration in the Phase, e.g. water for an aqueous liquid phase. Each Phase can have a single key Compound.


ICapeThermoPhases.GetPhaseList(Object, Object, Object)
The Phase label allows the phase to be uniquely identified in methods of the ICapeThermo- Phases interface and other CAPE-OPEN interfaces. The State of Aggregation and key Compound provide a way for the PME, or other client, to interpret the meaning of a Phase label in terms of the physical characteristics of the Phase. All arrays returned by this method must be of the same length, i.e. equal to the number of Phase labels. To get further information about a Phase, use the GetPhaseInfo method.
See Also