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PropertyPackageCheckEquilibriumSpec Method

Checks whether the Property Package can support a particular type of Equilibrium Calculation.

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public virtual bool CheckEquilibriumSpec(
	Object specification1,
	Object specification2,
	string solutionType
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specification1  Object
First specification for the Equilibrium Calculation.
specification2  Object
Second specification for the Equilibrium Calculation.
solutionType  String
The required solution type.

Return Value

Set to True if the combination of specifications and solutionType is supported for a particular combination of present phases or False if not supported.


ICapeThermoEquilibriumRoutine.CheckEquilibriumSpec(Object, Object, String)
The meaning of the specification1, specification2 and solutionType arguments is the same as for the CalcEquilibrium method. If solutionType, specification1 and specification2 arguments appear valid but the actual specifications are not supported or not recognised a False value should be returned. The result of the check should depend primarily on the capabilities and configuration (compounds and phases supported) of the component that implements the ICapeThermo- EquilibriumRoutine interface (egg. a Property package). A component that supports calculation specifications for any combination of supported phases is capable of checking the specification without any reference to a Material Object. However, it is possible that there may be restrictions on the combinations of phases supported in an equilibrium calculation. For example a component may support vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid calculations but not vapor-liquid-liquid calculations. In general it is therefore a necessary prerequisite that a Material Object has been set (using the SetMaterial method of the ICapeThermoMaterialContext interface) and that the SetPresentPhases method of the ICapeThermoMaterial interface has been called to specify the combination of phases for the equilibrium calculation. The result of the check should not depend on the state (temperature, pressure, composition etc.) of the Material Object.
See Also