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PropertyPackageCalcTwoPhaseProp Method

CalcTwoPhaseProp is used to calculate mixture properties and property derivatives that depend on two Phases at the current values of temperature, pressure and composition set in the Material Object. It does not perform Equilibrium Calculations.

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public virtual void CalcTwoPhaseProp(
	Object props,
	Object phaseLabels
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props  Object
The list of identifiers for properties to be calculated. This must be one or more of the supported two-phase properties and derivatives (as given by the GetTwoPhasePropList method). The standard identifiers for two-phase properties are given in section 7.5.7 and 7.6.
phaseLabels  Object
Phase labels of the phases for which the properties are to be calculated. The phase labels must be two of the strings returned by the GetPhaseList method on the ICapeThermoPhases interface and the phases must also be present in the Material Object.


ICapeThermoPropertyRoutine.CalcTwoPhaseProp(Object, Object)
CalcTwoPhaseProp calculates the values of properties such as surface tension or K-values. Properties that pertain to a single Phase are handled by the CalcSinglePhaseProp method of the ICapeThermoPropertyRoutine interface.Components that implement this method must get the input specification for the calculation (temperature, pressure and composition) from the associated Material Object and set the results in the Material Object. Components such as a Property Package or Property Calculator must implement the ICapeThermoMaterialContext interface so that an ICapeThermoMaterial interface can be passed via the SetMaterial method. The component that implements the ICapeThermoPropertyRoutine interface (e.g. a Property Package or Property Calculator) must also implement the ICapeThermoPhases interface so that it is possible to get a list of supported phases. The phaseLabels passed to this method must be in the list of phase labels returned by the GetPhaseList method of the ICapeThermoPhases interface and they must also be present in the Material Object, ie. in the list of phase labels returned by the GetPresentPhases method of the ICapeThermoMaterial interface. This latter condition will be satisfied if the phases are made present explicitly by calling the SetPresentPhases method or if any phase properties have been set by calling the SetSinglePhaseProp or SetTwoPhaseProp methods.
See Also