| Name | Description |
 | AddDefaultCompounds | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CheckTrivial | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CONDTG | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CONDTL | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(Double) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(Double)) |
 | AUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(String, Int32) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(String, Int32)) |
 | AUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(Double) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(Double)) |
 | AUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(String, Int32) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(String, Int32)) |
 | AUX_CPi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CPi(String, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CPm(IPhase, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CPm(Phase, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_CPm1 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_DELGF_T | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_DELGFM_T | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_DELGig_RT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_DELHig_RT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_ERASE | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_GFm25(Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_GFm25(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_HFm25(Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_HFm25(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_HFUSi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_HVAPi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDT_Ti | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDT_Tm(Double, Double, Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDT_Tm(Double, Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, ICompoundConstantProperties) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, Int32) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, String) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTi_L(Double, Double, Int32) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTi_L(Double, Double, String) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTm(Double, Double, Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTm(Double, Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_INT_CPDTm_L | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_IS_SINGLECOMP(Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_IS_SINGLECOMP(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_KHenry | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_KIJ | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQ_Cpi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQCPm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQDENS(Double, Array, Double, Double, Boolean) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQDENS(Double, Double, Double, Int32, Boolean) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQDENSi(ICompound, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQDENSi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQDENSi(Int32, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQTHERMCONDi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQVISCi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_LIQVISCm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_MMM(Phase) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_MMM(Phase)) |
 | AUX_MMM(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_MMM(Double, String) | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_MMM(Double, String)) |
 | AUX_MMM1 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_NORMALIZE | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PCM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PSUBLi(Int32, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PSUBLi(String, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPi(Int32, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPi(String, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPM(Object) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPM(Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_PVAPM(Phase, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SFm25(Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SFm25(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SINGLECOMPIDX(Object) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SINGLECOMPIDX(Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SOLIDCP | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SOLIDDENS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SOLIDDENSi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SolidHeatCapacity | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SURFTi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SURFTM(Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_SURFTM(Int32, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TBM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TCM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TFM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TSATi(Double, ICompoundConstantProperties) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TSATi(Double, Int32) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TSATi(Double, String) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TSATi(Double, ICompoundConstantProperties, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_TSUBLi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_VAPDENS | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_VAPDENS(Double, Double)) |
 | AUX_VAPTHERMCONDi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_VAPVISCi | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_VAPVISCm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_VCM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_WM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_Z | (Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_Z(Double, Double, Double, PhaseName)) |
 | AUX_ZCM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | AUX_ZRAM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcAdditionalEnergyTerms | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcAdditionalPhaseProperties | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcAdditionalPhaseProperties(Int32) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcAndGetLnPhi | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcAndGetLnPhi(String, Double, Double, Object, Int32, Object, Object, Object, Object)) |
 | CalcDiffusionCoefficients | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcEnthalpyEntropyF | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcEquilibrium | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcEquilibrium(Object, String, Object)) |
 | CalcEquilibrium1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcEquilibrium1(Object, Object, String)) |
 | CalcEquilibrium2 | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcEquilibrium2(Object, String, Object)) |
 | CalcGibbsFreeEnergy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcHelmholtzEnergy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcIdealGasCpCv | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcInternalEnergy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcIsothermalCompressibility(IPhase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcIsothermalCompressibility(Double, Double, Double, PhaseName) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcJouleThomsonCoefficient | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcProp | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcProp(Object, Object, Object, String)) |
 | CalcProp1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcProp1(Object, Object, Object, String)) |
 | CalcSinglePhaseProp | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcSinglePhaseProp(Object, String)) |
 | CalcSolidEnthalpyFromCp | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcSpeedOfSound | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CalcTwoPhaseProp | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalcTwoPhaseProp(Object, Object)) |
 | CalculateEquilibrium | (Overrides PropertyPackageCalculateEquilibrium(FlashCalculationType, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)) |
 | CalculateEquilibrium_Override | |
 | CalculateEquilibrium2 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CheckEquilibriumSpec | (Overrides PropertyPackageCheckEquilibriumSpec(Object, Object, String)) |
 | CheckSinglePhasePropSpec | (Overrides PropertyPackageCheckSinglePhasePropSpec(String, String)) |
 | CheckTwoPhasePropSpec | (Overrides PropertyPackageCheckTwoPhasePropSpec(String, Object)) |
 | Clone | (Overrides PropertyPackageClone) |
 | Clone1 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | COMaterial_GetCompositions | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | COMaterialtoDWMaterial |
Converts a COM Material Object into a DWSIM Material Stream.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | ConfigParameters | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CreatePhaseMappings | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | CreatePhaseMappingsDW | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DeepClone | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DisplayAdvancedEditingForm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DisplayEditingForm | (Overrides PropertyPackageDisplayEditingForm) |
 | DisplayFlashConfigForm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DisplayGroupedEditingForm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | Dispose | (Overrides PropertyPackageDispose) |
 | Dispose(Boolean) | (Overrides PropertyPackageDispose(Boolean)) |
 | DW_CalcAdditionalEnthalpyTerm |
Calculates additional enthalpy terms like heat of reaction, absorption, etc
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcBubP | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcBubP(Array, Double, Double, Array, Boolean)) |
 | DW_CalcBubT | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcBubT(Array, Double, Double, Array, Boolean)) |
 | DW_CalcCompFugCoeff | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcCompMassFlow | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcCompMolarFlow | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcCompPartialVolume | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcCompPartialVolume(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcCompVolFlow | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcConcentrations | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcCp_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcCp_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcCv_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcCv_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcdEnthalpydmoles | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcdEnthalpydT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcdEntropydmoles | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcdEntropydT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcDewP | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcDewP(Array, Double, Double, Array, Boolean)) |
 | DW_CalcDewT | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcDewT(Array, Double, Double, Array, Boolean)) |
 | DW_CalcdFugCoeffdT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcdKdT | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcEnergyFlowMistura_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEnergyFlowMistura_ISOL(Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcEnthalpy | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEnthalpy(Array, Double, Double, State)) |
 | DW_CalcEnthalpyDeparture | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEnthalpyDeparture(Array, Double, Double, State)) |
 | DW_CalcEnthalpyOfReaction |
Calculater enthalpy of reaction for a given phase
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcEntropy | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEntropy(Array, Double, Double, State)) |
 | DW_CalcEntropyDeparture | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEntropyDeparture(Array, Double, Double, State)) |
 | DW_CalcEquilibrio_ISOL(FlashSpec, FlashSpec, Double, Double, Double) | Obsolete.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcEquilibrio_ISOL(Array, FlashSpec, FlashSpec, Double, Double, Double) | |
 | DW_CalcEquilibrium | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEquilibrium(FlashSpec, FlashSpec)) |
 | DW_CalcFugCoeff(Double, Double, Double) |
Calculates fugacity coefficients for the specified composition at the specified conditions.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcFugCoeff(Array, Double, Double, State) | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcFugCoeff(Array, Double, Double, State)) |
 | DW_CalcGibbsEnergy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcK_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcK_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue(Array, Double, Double) |
Calculates K-values of components in a mixture.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue(Double, Double, Double, Double, String) |
Calculates K-values of components in a mixture.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue_Ideal_VP |
Calculates Ideal K-values using Vapor Pressures.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue_Ideal_Wilson |
Calculates Ideal K-values using Critical Properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcKvalue3 |
Calculates K-values of components in a mixture.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcLiqMixtureProps | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcMassaEspecifica_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcMassaEspecifica_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcMM_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcMM_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcOverallDensity | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcOverallProps | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcOverallProps) |
 | DW_CalcP |
Calculates system pressure for the specified temperature, volume and composition.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcPhaseProps | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcPhaseProps(Phase)) |
 | DW_CalcProp | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcProp(String, Phase)) |
 | DW_CalcPVAP_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcPVAP_ISOL(Double)) |
 | DW_CalcSolidEnthalpy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcSolidFugCoeff | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcSolidHeatCapacityCp | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcSolidPhaseProps |
Provides a default implementation for solid phase property calculations in CAPE-OPEN mode. Should be used by all derived propety packages.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcTensaoSuperficial_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcTensaoSuperficial_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CalcTwoPhaseProps | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcTwoPhaseProps(Phase, Phase)) |
 | DW_CalculateCriticalPoints |
Calculate the critical points of the current Material Stream
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcVazaoMassica | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcVazaoMolar | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcVazaoVolumetrica | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_CalcViscosidadeDinamica_ISOL | (Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcViscosidadeDinamica_ISOL(Phase, Double, Double)) |
 | DW_CheckKvaluesConsistency | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_GetConstantProperties | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ReturnBinaryEnvelope |
This function returns points to build the binary phase envelope.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ReturnPhaseEnvelope |
This function returns points to build the phase envelope.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarComposicoes | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarOverallProps | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarPhaseProps | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarTwoPhaseProps | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarVazaoMassica | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarVazaoMolar | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | DW_ZerarVazaoVolumetrica | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | Edit | (Overrides PropertyPackageEdit) |
 | GetAdvancedEditingContainers | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetAdvancedEditingForm | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetAsObject | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetClassID | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetComponentConstant | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetComponentConstant(Object, Object)) |
 | GetComponentList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetComponentList(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)) |
 | GetCompoundConstant | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetCompoundConstant(Object, Object)) |
 | GetCompoundList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetCompoundList(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)) |
 | GetConstPropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetConstPropList) |
 | GetDisplayIcon | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetEditingForm | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetEditingForm) |
 | GetModel | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetNumCompounds | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetNumCompounds) |
 | GetNumPhases | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetNumPhases) |
 | GetPDependentProperty | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPDependentProperty(Object, Double, Object, Object)) |
 | GetPDependentPropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPDependentPropList) |
 | GetPhaseInfo | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPhaseInfo(String, String)) |
 | GetPhaseList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPhaseList) |
 | GetPhaseList1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPhaseList1(Object, Object, Object)) |
 | GetPropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPropList) |
 | GetPropList1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetPropList1) |
 | GetSinglePhasePropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetSinglePhasePropList) |
 | GetSizeMax | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | GetTDependentProperty | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetTDependentProperty(Object, Double, Object, Object)) |
 | GetTDependentPropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetTDependentPropList) |
 | GetTwoPhasePropList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetTwoPhasePropList) |
 | GetUniversalConstant | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetUniversalConstant(Object, Object)) |
 | GetUniversalConstant1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetUniversalConstant1(String)) |
 | GetUniversalConstantList | (Overrides PropertyPackageGetUniversalConstantList) |
 | HasHenryConstants | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | InitCO | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | Initialize | (Overrides PropertyPackageInitialize) |
 | InitNew | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | IsDirty | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | Load | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadAdditionalCompounds | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadBDDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadCheDLDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadCPDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadCSDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadData | (Overrides PropertyPackageLoadData(ListXElement)) |
 | LoadDWSIMDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadEDB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | LoadUserDBs | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | ObjectCopy | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | PersistLoad | |
 | PersistSave | |
 | ProcessOverridenProperties | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | PropCheck | (Overrides PropertyPackagePropCheck(Object, Object)) |
 | PropCheck1 | (Overrides PropertyPackagePropCheck1(Object, String, Object, Object)) |
 | PropCheck2 | (Overrides PropertyPackagePropCheck2(Object, Object)) |
 | PropList | (Overrides PropertyPackagePropList(Object, Object, Object, Object)) |
 | RET_Gid(Double, Double, Double, Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Gid(Double, Double, Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Gid_i | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_HFUSM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid(Double, Double, Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid(Double, Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid_FromLiqCp | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid_i | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid_i_L | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Hid_L | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_HVAPM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_NullVector | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_PHASECODE | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_PHASEID | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Sid(Double, Double, Double, Phase) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Sid(Double, Double, Double, Double) | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Sid_FromLiqCp | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Sid_i | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_Sid_L | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_UnitaryVector | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VCAS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VCP | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VCSACIDS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VCSTLDAF | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VCSTLDCV | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VDHF | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VHF | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VHVAP | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VIDS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VKij | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VMAS | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VMM | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VMOL | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VNAMES | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VNAMES2 | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VPC | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VPVAP | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VTB | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VTC | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VTF | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VVC | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VW | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VZC | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RET_VZRa | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | ReturnInstance | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | RunPostMaterialStreamSetRoutine | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | Save | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | SaveData | (Overrides PropertyPackageSaveData) |
 | SetMaterial | (Overrides PropertyPackageSetMaterial(Object)) |
 | SetPhaseEquilibriaCalculationMode |
Sets the Phase Equilibria Calculation mode for this instance. Default behavior is SVLLE.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | ShouldBypassEquilibriumCalculation | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | SupportsComponent | (Overrides PropertyPackageSupportsComponent(ICompoundConstantProperties)) |
 | Terminate | (Overrides PropertyPackageTerminate) |
 | ThrowCAPEException | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | ToString | (Inherited from PropertyPackage) |
 | UnsetMaterial | (Overrides PropertyPackageUnsetMaterial) |
 | ValidityCheck | (Overrides PropertyPackageValidityCheck(Object, Object)) |
 | ValidityCheck1 | (Overrides PropertyPackageValidityCheck1(Object, Object, Object)) |
 | ValidityCheck2 | (Overrides PropertyPackageValidityCheck2(Object, Object)) |