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IdealElectrolytePropertyPackage Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DWSIM.Thermodynamics.PropertyPackages
Assembly: DWSIM.Thermodynamics (in DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll) Version:
public class IdealElectrolytePropertyPackage : ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage
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The IdealElectrolytePropertyPackage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivityCoefficientModels_IgnoreMissingInteractionParameters
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyAreModelParametersDirty
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyAutoEstimateMissingNRTLUNIQUACParameters
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyCalculateAdditionalMaterialStreamProperties
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertycode
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyComponentDescription Gets the name of the component.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyComponentName Gets the description of the component.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyCurrentMaterialStream Gets or sets the current material stream for this property package.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertydescription
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyDisplayDescription
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyDisplayName
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyEnthalpyEntropyCpCvCalculationMode
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyExceptionLog
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyFlashAlgorithm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyFlashBase Returns the FlashAlgorithm object instance for this property package.
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public propertyFlashCalculationApproach
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyFlashSettings
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyFlowsheet
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyForcedSolids
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyForceNewFlashAlgorithmInstance
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyHasReactivePhase
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyIgnoreSalinityLimit
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyIgnoreVaporFractionLimit
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyImplementsAnalyticalDerivatives
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyinterfaceName
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyIsAmineModel
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyIsConfigurable
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyIsFunctional
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidDensity_CorrectExpDataForPressure
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidDensity_UsePenelouxVolumeTranslation
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidDensityCalculationMode_Subcritical
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidDensityCalculationMode_Supercritical
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidEnthalpyEntropyCpCvCalculationMode_EOS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidFugacity_UsePoyntingCorrectionFactor
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidViscosity_CorrectExpDataForPressure
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidViscosity_MixingRule
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidViscosityCalculationMode_Subcritical
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyLiquidViscosityCalculationMode_Supercritical
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyMaxIterations
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public propertyMobileCompatible
(Overrides PropertyPackageMobileCompatible)
Public propertymoreInfo
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyName
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyoperation
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyOverrideEnthalpyCalculation
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyOverrideEntropyCalculation
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyOverrideKvalFugCoeff
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyPackageType
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyparameters1 Returns an ICapeCollection interface.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyParametersXMLString ' For mobile compatibility only.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyPhaseMappings
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyPopular
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public propertyPropertyMethodsInfo
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyPropertyOverrides
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyReactionSet
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public propertyscope
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyShouldUseKvalueMethod2
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyShouldUseKvalueMethod3
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertysimulationContext Allows the PME to convey the PMC a reference to the former’s simulation context.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertySingleCompoundCheckThreshold
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertySolidPhaseEnthalpy_UsesCp
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertySolidPhaseFugacity_UseIdealLiquidPhaseFugacity
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertySolidPhaseFugacityCalculationMethod
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertySupportedComponents
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyTag
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyTolerance
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public propertyUniqueID
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyUseHenryConstants
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public propertyVaporPhaseFugacityCalculationMode
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAddDefaultCompounds
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CheckTrivial
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONDTG
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONDTL
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONVERT_MASS_TO_MOL(String, Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CONVERT_MOL_TO_MASS(String, Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CPi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CPi(String, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CPm(IPhase, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CPm(Phase, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_CPm1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_DELGF_T
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_DELGFM_T
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_DELGig_RT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_DELHig_RT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_ERASE
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_GFm25(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_GFm25(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_HFm25(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_HFm25(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_HFUSi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_HVAPi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDT_Ti
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDT_Tm(Double, Double, Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDT_Tm(Double, Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, ICompoundConstantProperties)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTi(Double, Double, String)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTi_L(Double, Double, Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTi_L(Double, Double, String)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTm(Double, Double, Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTm(Double, Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_INT_CPDTm_L
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_IS_SINGLECOMP(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_IS_SINGLECOMP(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_KHenry
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_KIJ
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQ_Cpi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQCPm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQDENS(Double, Double, Double, Int32, Boolean)
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQDENS(Double, Array, Double, Double, Boolean)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQDENSi(ICompound, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQDENSi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQDENSi(Int32, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQVISCi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_LIQVISCm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_MMM(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_MMM(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_MMM(Double, String)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_MMM1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_NORMALIZE
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PCM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PSUBLi(Int32, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PSUBLi(String, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PVAPi(ICompoundConstantProperties, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PVAPi(Int32, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PVAPi(String, Double)
(Overrides PropertyPackageAUX_PVAPi(String, Double))
Public methodAUX_PVAPM(Object)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PVAPM(Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_PVAPM(Phase, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SFm25(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SFm25(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SINGLECOMPIDX(Object)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SINGLECOMPIDX(Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SOLIDCP
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SOLIDDENS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SOLIDDENSi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SolidHeatCapacity
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SURFTi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SURFTM(Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_SURFTM(Int32, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TBM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TCM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TFM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TSATi(Double, ICompoundConstantProperties)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TSATi(Double, Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TSATi(Double, String)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TSATi(Double, ICompoundConstantProperties, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_TSUBLi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_VAPDENS
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_VAPVISCi
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_VAPVISCm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_VCM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_WM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_Z
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_ZCM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodAUX_ZRAM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcAdditionalEnergyTerms
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcAdditionalPhaseProperties
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcAdditionalPhaseProperties(Int32)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcAndGetLnPhi This method is used to calculate the natural logarithm of the fugacity coefficients (and optionally their derivatives) in a single Phase mixture. The values of temperature, pressure and composition are specified in the argument list and the results are also returned through the argument list.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcDiffusionCoefficients
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcEnthalpyEntropyF
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcEquilibrium Method responsible for calculating/delegating phase equilibria.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcEquilibrium1 CalcEquilibrium is used to calculate the amounts and compositions of Phases at equilibrium. CalcEquilibrium will calculate temperature and/or pressure if these are not among the two specifications that are mandatory for each Equilibrium Calculation considered.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcEquilibrium2 Method responsible for calculating phase equilibria.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcGibbsFreeEnergy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcHelmholtzEnergy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcIdealGasCpCv
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcInternalEnergy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcIsothermalCompressibility(IPhase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcIsothermalCompressibility(Double, Double, Double, PhaseName)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcJouleThomsonCoefficient
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcProp This method is responsible for doing all calculations on behalf of the Calculation Routine component.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcProp1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcSinglePhaseProp CalcSinglePhaseProp is used to calculate properties and property derivatives of a mixture in a single Phase at the current values of temperature, pressure and composition set in the Material Object. CalcSinglePhaseProp does not perform phase Equilibrium Calculations.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcSolidEnthalpyFromCp
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcSpeedOfSound
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalcTwoPhaseProp CalcTwoPhaseProp is used to calculate mixture properties and property derivatives that depend on two Phases at the current values of temperature, pressure and composition set in the Material Object. It does not perform Equilibrium Calculations.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalculateEquilibrium
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCalculateEquilibrium2
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCheckEquilibriumSpec Checks whether the Property Package can support a particular type of Equilibrium Calculation.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCheckSinglePhasePropSpec Checks whether it is possible to calculate a property with the CalcSinglePhaseProp method for a given Phase.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCheckTwoPhasePropSpec Checks whether it is possible to calculate a property with the CalcTwoPhaseProp method for a given set of Phases.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodClone
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodClone1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCOMaterial_GetCompositions
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCOMaterialtoDWMaterial Converts a COM Material Object into a DWSIM Material Stream.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodConfigParameters
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCreatePhaseMappings
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodCreatePhaseMappingsDW
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDeepClone
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methoddfidRbb_H
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methoddfidRbb_S
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDisplayAdvancedEditingForm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDisplayEditingForm
(Overrides PropertyPackageDisplayEditingForm)
Public methodDisplayFlashConfigForm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDisplayGroupedEditingForm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDispose
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcAdditionalEnthalpyTerm Calculates additional enthalpy terms like heat of reaction, absorption, etc
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcBubP Does a Bubble Pressure calculation for the specified liquid composition at the specified temperature.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcBubT Does a Bubble Temperature calculation for the specified liquid composition at the specified pressure.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCompFugCoeff
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCompMassFlow
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCompMolarFlow
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCompPartialVolume
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCompVolFlow
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcConcentrations
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCp_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcCv_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdEnthalpydmoles
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdEnthalpydT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdEntropydmoles
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdEntropydT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcDewP Does a Dew Pressure calculation for the specified vapor phase composition at the specified temperature.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcDewT Does a Dew Temperature calculation for the specified vapor composition at the specified pressure.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdFugCoeffdT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcdKdT
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcEnergyFlowMistura_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcEnthalpy
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEnthalpy(Array, Double, Double, State))
Public methodDW_CalcEnthalpyDeparture
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEnthalpyDeparture(Array, Double, Double, State))
Public methodDW_CalcEnthalpyOfReaction Calculater enthalpy of reaction for a given phase
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcEntropy
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEntropy(Array, Double, Double, State))
Public methodDW_CalcEntropyDeparture
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcEntropyDeparture(Array, Double, Double, State))
Public methodDW_CalcEquilibrio_ISOLObsolete.

(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcEquilibrium
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcFugCoeff(Double, Double, Double) Calculates fugacity coefficients for the specified composition at the specified conditions.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcFugCoeff(Array, Double, Double, State)
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcFugCoeff(Array, Double, Double, State))
Public methodDW_CalcGibbsEnergy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcK_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue(Array, Double, Double) Calculates K-values of components in a mixture.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue(Double, Double, Double, Double, String)
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcKvalue(Double, Double, Double, Double, String))
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue_Ideal_VP Calculates Ideal K-values using Vapor Pressures.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue_Ideal_Wilson Calculates Ideal K-values using Critical Properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcKvalue3 Calculates K-values of components in a mixture.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcLiqMixtureProps
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcMassaEspecifica_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcMM_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcOverallDensity
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcOverallProps
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcP Calculates system pressure for the specified temperature, volume and composition.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcPhaseProps
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcPhaseProps(Phase))
Public methodDW_CalcProp
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcProp(String, Phase))
Public methodDW_CalcPVAP_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcSolidEnthalpy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcSolidFugCoeff
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcSolidHeatCapacityCp
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcSolidPhaseProps
(Overrides PropertyPackageDW_CalcSolidPhaseProps)
Public methodDW_CalcTensaoSuperficial_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcTwoPhaseProps
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalculateCriticalPoints Calculate the critical points of the current Material Stream
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcVazaoMassica
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcVazaoMolar
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcVazaoVolumetrica
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CalcViscosidadeDinamica_ISOL
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_CheckKvaluesConsistency
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_GetConstantProperties
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ReturnBinaryEnvelope This function returns points to build the binary phase envelope.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ReturnPhaseEnvelope This function returns points to build the phase envelope.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarComposicoes
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarOverallProps
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarPhaseProps
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarTwoPhaseProps
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarVazaoMassica
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarVazaoMolar
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodDW_ZerarVazaoVolumetrica
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodEdit The PMC displays its user interface and allows the Flowsheet User to interact with it. If no user interface is available it returns an error.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetAdvancedEditingContainers
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetAdvancedEditingForm
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetAsObject
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetClassID
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetComponentConstant Returns the values of the Constant properties of the compounds contained in the passed Material Object.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetComponentList Returns the list of compounds of a given Property Package.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetCompoundConstant Returns the values of constant Physical Properties for the specified Compounds.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetCompoundList Returns the list of all Compounds. This includes the Compound identifiers recognised and extra information that can be used to further identify the Compounds.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetConstPropList Returns the list of supported constant Physical Properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetDisplayIcon
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetEditingForm
(Overrides PropertyPackageGetEditingForm)
Public methodGetModel
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetNumCompounds Returns the number of Compounds supported.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetNumPhases
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPDependentProperty Returns the values of pressure-dependent Physical Properties for the specified pure Compounds.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPDependentPropList Returns the list of supported pressure-dependent properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPhaseInfo Returns information on an attribute associated with a Phase for the purpose of understanding what lies behind a Phase label.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPhaseList Provides the list of the supported phases. When supported for one or more property calculations, the Overall phase and multiphase identifiers must be returned by this method.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPhaseList1 Returns Phase labels and other important descriptive information for all the Phases supported.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPropList Returns list of properties supported by the Property Package.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetPropList1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetSinglePhasePropList Returns the list of supported non-constant single-phase Physical Properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetSizeMax
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetTDependentProperty Returns the values of temperature-dependent Physical Properties for the specified pure Compounds.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetTDependentPropList Returns the list of supported temperature-dependent Physical Properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetTwoPhasePropList Returns the list of supported non-constant two-phase properties.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetUniversalConstant Returns the values of the Universal Constants.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetUniversalConstant1 Retrieves the value of a Universal Constant.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodGetUniversalConstantList Returns the identifiers of the supported Universal Constants.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodHasHenryConstants
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodInitCO
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodInitialize Initially, this method was only present in the ICapeUnit interface. Since ICapeUtilities.Initialize is now available for any kind of PMC, ICapeUnit. Initialize is deprecated. The PME will order the PMC to get initialized through this method. Any initialisation that could fail must be placed here. Initialize is guaranteed to be the first method called by the client (except low level methods such as class constructors or initialization persistence methods). Initialize has to be called once when the PMC is instantiated in a particular flowsheet. When the initialization fails, before signalling an error, the PMC must free all the resources that were allocated before the failure occurred. When the PME receives this error, it may not use the PMC anymore. The method terminate of the current interface must not either be called. Hence, the PME may only release the PMC through the middleware native mechanisms.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodInitNew
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodIsDirty
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoad
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadAdditionalCompounds
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadBDDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadCheDLDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadCPDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadCSDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadData
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadDWSIMDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadEDB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodLoadUserDBs
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodObjectCopy
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodProcessOverridenProperties
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodPropCheck Check to see if properties can be calculated.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodPropCheck1 Checks to see if a given type of flash calculations can be performed and whether the properties can be calculated after the flash calculation.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodPropCheck2
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodPropList Returns the flash types, properties, phases, and calculation types that are supported by a given Equilibrium Server Routine.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Gid(Double, Double, Double, Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Gid(Double, Double, Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Gid_i
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_HFUSM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid(Double, Double, Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid(Double, Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid_FromLiqCp
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid_i
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid_i_L
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Hid_L
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_HVAPM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_KIJ
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_NullVector
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_PHASECODE
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_PHASEID
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Sid(Double, Double, Double, Phase)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Sid(Double, Double, Double, Double)
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Sid_FromLiqCp
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Sid_i
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_Sid_L
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_UnitaryVector
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VCAS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VCP
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VCSACIDS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VCSTLDAF
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VCSTLDCV
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VDHF
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VHF
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VHVAP
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VIDS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VKij
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VMAS
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VMM
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VMOL
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VNAMES
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VNAMES2
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VPC
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VPVAP
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VQ
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VR
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VTB
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VTC
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VTF
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VVC
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VW
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VZC
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRET_VZRa
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodReturnInstance
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodRunPostMaterialStreamSetRoutine
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodSave
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodSaveData
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodSetMaterial Allows the client of a component that implements this interface to pass an ICapeThermoMaterial interface to the component, so that it can access the properties of a Material.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodSetPhaseEquilibriaCalculationMode Sets the Phase Equilibria Calculation mode for this instance. Default behavior is SVLLE.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodShouldBypassEquilibriumCalculation
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodSupportsComponent
(Inherited from ElectrolyteBasePropertyPackage)
Public methodTerminate Initially, this method was only present in the ICapeUnit interface. Since ICapeUtilities.Terminate is now available for any kind of PMC, ICapeUnit.Terminate is deprecated. The PME will order the PMC to get destroyed through this method. Any uninitialization that could fail must be placed here. ‘Terminate’ is guaranteed to be the last method called by the client (except low level methods such as class destructors). ‘Terminate’ may be called at any time, but may be only called once. When this method returns an error, the PME should report the user. However, after that the PME is not allowed to use the PMC anymore. The Unit specification stated that “Terminate may check if the data has been saved and return an error if not.” It is suggested not to follow this recommendation, since it’s the PME responsibility to save the state of the PMC before terminating it. In the case that a user wants to close a simulation case without saving it, it’s better to leave the PME to handle the situation instead of each PMC providing a different implementation.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodThrowCAPEException
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodUnsetMaterial Removes any previously set Material interface.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodValidityCheck Checks the validity of the calculation. This method is deprecated.
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodValidityCheck1
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Public methodValidityCheck2
(Inherited from PropertyPackage)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumNames
(Defined by General)
Public Extension MethodIsValidDouble
(Defined by General)
See Also